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Cross-disciplinary sharing of samples and increasing awareness

  • Creator
  • #134130

    Esther Plomp

    Welcome (10 minutes)

    Logistics & overview of session objectives 


    A national cross-discipline service for physical sample identifiers by Joel Benn (15 min + 5 min Q&A)

    ARDC: developing a vocabulary agnostic Samples registration capability (speaker to be confirmed).

    Audience can contribute additional projects and initiatives that they are involved with not listed above

    Questions & discussion

    RRID: resource identification and deposition in repositories and the role of journals by Anita Bandrowski (15 min)

    Infographic or FAQ flyer to increase awareness for physical sample management by Esther (20 minutes)

    Introduction to the draft

    Setting up a group to work on the flyer

    Webinar series by Esther (10 minutes)

    Introduction of potential topics for a webinar series

    Supporting reproducibility by capturing physical sample data and metadata in a connected electronic lab notebook (RSpace) by Rory Macneil

    Collecting interest and preferences for timezone 

    Anyone from the group/audience interested in presenting a use case?

    Synthesis and Next steps (10 minutes)

    Additional links to informative material

    Group Page

    Case Statement:

    IGSN 2040 announcement:
    Papers from the Linking Environmental Data and Samples Symposium, Canberra, May 2017 

    Beijing Declaration on Research Data:

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Data Versioning IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    PID IG

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Esther Plomp

    Meeting objectives
    This session will provide a forum for existing and emerging initiatives and projects related to physical samples in the research data ecosystem to update the community on their goals and activities, and to communicate, network, and coordinate with each other, with other RDA Interest Groups and RDA Working Groups, and above all, with the broader research community. The goal of this session is to converge on a shared vision and strategy for advancing discovery, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of material samples across domains for the benefit of science and society.
    Vocabularies are used everywhere to describe and categorize or classify physical samples. To enable cross-disciplinary sharing of samples we need to know the current location of samples, their individual key attributes as well as any data derived from them. However, metadata classes for samples widely overlap across disciplines, and vocabularies are often discipline-specific. As the use of samples in multi-disciplinary studies grows and discipline-agnostic services of identifying and cataloguing samples become a priority, we need to create a structure, in which the different disciplinary vocabularies can be catalogued, accessed, managed, and mapped to common metadata classes.  An example of a vocabulary agnostic service will be presented by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC).
    In addition, to increase awareness of the existing infrastructure and use cases related to physical samples the IG proposes to set up an infographic/flyer and to hold a webinar series. The infographic/flyer should provide a general overview and point the reader towards further information, comparable to the RDA 23 things output. A very rough draft will be presented during the meeting so that feedback from the IG can be incorporated and contributors can be identified. The proposed webinar series will consist of use cases from different disciplines. We would like to learn about the topics that members of the IG would like to see addressed, identify connections with other IG/WGs so that we can collaborate on hosting webinars, and invite contributions of any use cases that attendees are willing to present.
    Link to the collaborative session notes:

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 1, Breakout 7

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