RDA domain ambassadors at the 20th RDA Plenary (2023)

P20 impressions of some of the RDA domain ambassadors in March 2023. 

RDA website – September 2020

This video guides you through the RDA website and its main functionalities. It is a good snapshot to understand what’s behind the RDA mechanisms, its Governance, the working groups and what you do with them and who’s involved.

RDA Adoption stories – the playlist

We’ve asked RDA members who have already adopted RDA outputs, to share their experience and lessons learned in a story. Find below a series of RDA adoption videos by individuals, organisations and projects. The complete playlist is available here.

RDA Global Adoption Week – June 2020

The adoption session, originally planned for Plenary 15, ran as a global adoption week scheduled from 15 to 19 June 2020. The aim was to demonstrate the wide variety of adoptable and adopted solutions to data sharing challenges that people in the field encounter in their daily jobs.

The global adoption week was organised around the five stages of the Research Data Lifecycle, as used in the RDA recommendations and outputs catalogue.

RDA / IGAD webinar series

The Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD) Group organised a series of Webinars on Agriculture discussing cutting edge developments in agricultural data. They are collected in the playlist below (also available here).

RDA’s VP 15 Session Recordings – March 2020

RDA’s 15th Plenary Meeting, originally planned to take place in Melbourne, Australia, took place as a virtual meeting from 18th March to 10th April 2020, with session recordings available below. The playlist is still being updated with more recordings, so watch this space!