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What is happening in the Semantic interoperability realm and in VSSIG?

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  • #133970

    Collaborative session notes:…
    Agenda RDA P20
    5’ Introduction: VSSIG activities past and future  John Graybeal and Alexandra Kokkinaki
    10’ + 5’ Q&A  iadopt  – practical implementations – Gwen Moncoiffe, Barbara Magagna
    7’ + 3’ Q&A Ontological approaches for Digital Twins – Alexandra Kokkinaki
    10’ + 5’ Q&A Experiences from the Semantic Interoperability Task Force of the EOSC Association – Wolmar Nyberg Akestrom
    7’+ 3’ Q&A Updates of  the Ontoportal alliance – Clement Jonquet
    7’+3’ Q&A on FAIR Impact – Yann Le Franc 
    5’      ESIP (US) semantic activities at VSSIG – Brandon Whitehead – possibly pre-recorded
    20’ – Discussion on semantic related topics

    What do we have to do to make semantics more usable/used? 

    How do we make mappings and crosswalk FAIR? 

    Minimum metadata for semantic artefacts? 

    Any other topic of interest from the VSSIGers

    Applicable Pathways
    Semantics, Ontology, Standardisation

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Research Metadata Schemas WG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    Our vision is to harmonize our ways of working/current practices with Semantic Web technologies through Knowledge and Expertise exchange across all domains. 
    The Vocabulary and Semantic Services Interest Group (VSSIG) mission is to form a network of experts in the realm of Semantic Web and Linked Data. Based on this network, we seek to share and discuss new technologies, controversial concepts, new ideas, existing recommendations. From these interactions we will seek/trigger to develop community-based approaches and recommendations to make semantic artefactsknowledge organization systems (i.e. controlled vocabularies, ontologies, and their associated services) findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable (FAIR data principles). 

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Alexandra Kokkinaki

    Meeting objectives
    The momentum that Linked Data, Knowledge Graphs, ontologies, vocabularies and generally semantic artefacts have gained recently, has led to the creation of several task forces, groups and projects focusing on semantic interoperability. In this session, several initiatives and projects will be briefly presented including the activities within the VSSIG and in particular the associated iadopt WG as well as the ongoing activities around Ontology repositories. These presentations will be followed by open discussion with the participants around proposed topics including future activities of the VSSIG.

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