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What is going on in VSSIG?

  • Creator
  • #134011

    Collaborative session notes:…

    General Introduction to the group (5 minutes) – Alexandra Kokkinaki


    What is going on in VSSIG? (70 minutes)

    I-ADOPT recommendations and future – Gwen Moncoiffé & Barbara Magagna (15 minutes + 15 minutes discussion)

    Minimum metadata for semantic artefacts – Clement Jonquet & Yann Le Franc (15 minutes + 15 minutes discussion)

    FAIR Semantics WG – Yann Le Franc (5 minutes + 5 minutes discussion)

    Closing the Circle (10 minutes): Next steps for VSSIG – Alexandra Kokkinaki & Yann Le Franc


    Applicable Pathways
    FAIR, CARE, TRUST – Principles, FAIR, CARE, TRUST – Adoption, Implementation, and Deployment, Semantics, Ontology, Standardisation

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    FAIR Digital Object Fabric IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    ESIP/RDA Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences IG

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Yann Le Franc

    Meeting objectives
    The main objective of this session is to present and discuss the ongoing activities of VSSIG i.e from the VSSIG Working Groups and Task groups. The session is structured around four main topics: I-ADOPT recommendations and future, Minimum metadata for Semantic Artefact, the FAIR Semantics WG and the future of the VSSIG.
    I-ADOPT WG’s regular lifespan is now over. The first version of the I-ADOPT recommendations are under public review until the 3rd of March, 2022. The group will present the recommendations and then will welcome input and comments in the form of a group discussion about the recommendations and the future activities of the WG. Participant’s input is very important as RDA Recommendations produced by RDA Working Groups are the official, endorsed results of RDA and considered RDAs “Flagship” Outputs. So we invite the interested participants to contribute by discussing, and commenting on how possible it is to endorse them in your workflows and  organisations. 
    Next, the minimum metadata Task Group will present the first version of the DCAT Application Profile and minimum metadata schema for FAIR Semantic artefacts developed in collaboration with the FAIRsFAIR project as well as the Proof of Concept “search engine” leveraging this minimum metadata schema. The goal is to gather inputs and comments in order to improve this first version and to discuss the future of this first attempt to align Semantic artefacts metadata with the interested participants. 
    Finally, after gauging VSSIG member’s interest in the creation of a new working group on FAIR semantic recommendations, the details of the group will be presented and discussed.  
    The session will be closed by a short discussion about the next steps for the VSSIG group.

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 1, Breakout 3, Breakout 5

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