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RDA Taskforce on Gender Balance – next steps

  • Creator
  • #117673

    Natalie Harrower

    Dear all,
    Welcome to the RDA Gender Balance Taskforce – thank you for joining.
    As a reminder, the Taskforce page is here:
    I have uploaded the slides from the P10 presentation on the taskforce, and notes from the Women’s breakfast, here:
    On the slides, you will see a suggested timeline of activities, which begins with a research/gathering phase into similar initiatives, with the intention that we would complete this phase early in the new year. 
    So, with this in mind, could we ask you for three things:
    1. Please discuss any additional ideas for the work of this taskforce via this listserv, using the P10 documents as a starting point
    2. Add any relevant documents on similar initiatives that may provide us with frameworks or inspiration to the folder we’ve created here: . (If you click ‘Edit’ at the top of this page you can upload new documents). We’ve started by adding something that Ingrid came across at a recent meeting. Deadline for this is 30 November 2017.
    3. Fill out the following Doodle poll with your availability for a telco to follow up on this phase of work in December. Given the group’s geographical composition (always a risk a RDA!) the times aren’t great for everyone, so Devika and I set a range that includes East Coast US to Bangalore to capture the highest number of people, with the understanding that we’ll shift into other zones at subsequent meetings. I have set the dates for GMT but your Doodle may shift it to your own time zone:
    Many thanks!
    Natalie & Devika

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