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FAIR4RS Wrapping up news!

  • Creator
  • #99425

    Dear members of the FAIR4RS WG,
    With bittersweet feelings here are the latests news of the working group.
    1. THANK YOU
    The working group unofficially started in 2019, we were then officially endorsed in 2020 and after 2 years we have completed our goals. We would like to thank you all and each of the 261 members of this group, plus the more than 100 collaborators, who have made it all possible! We have strived for transparency and inclusion, we had worked really hard and asynchronously through years of a pandemic. We have acchieved community-driven outputs, made a lot of contributions through an excellent outreach and dissemination effort, and we have set many examples for others. You can have a history in our posts, and public minutes.
    On May 24th, 2022. The RDA Council have endorsed the FAIR4RS Principles as an official output!
    Citation and download: Chue Hong, N. P., Katz, D. S., Barker, M., Lamprecht, A-L, Martinez, C., Psomopoulos, F. E., Harrow, J., Castro, L. J., Gruenpeter, M., Martinez, P. A., Honeyman, T., et al. (2022). FAIR Principles for Research Software version 1.0. (FAIR4RS Principles v1.0). Research Data Alliance. DOI:
    You are also invited to have a look at the list of other outputs produced by the FAIR4RS WG.
    3. RDA Plenary 19
    We have the last RDA session of the FAIR4RS next week. Breakout 4. PLEASE NOTE: the session starts at 23:30 on 21 June and ends at 01:00 next day, 22 June, times in UTC. Our session is virtual. We would like to see most of the members for a last group update and catch up!
    4. What’s next?
    We are wrapping up, and the group will soon be officially closed as we completed our goals. We have a governance text in the final output, and it is worth noting that The RDA Software Source Code Interest Group is the maintenance home for the FAIR4RS principles. Concerns or queries about the principles can be raised via the SSC IG.
    Thank you for joining this journey!
    with kind regards,
    Paula on behalf of the Co-chairs of the FAIR4RS WG
    Dr Paula Andrea Martinez
    Software Project Coordinator – Software Program, ARDC
    Community Manager, ReSA

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