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Archiving source code in a click! Announcing the updateswh browser extension

  • Creator
  • #99133

    *TL;DR:* it’s really all in the image below, you can now
    archive/update/check source code repositories in just one click (go here
    to learn more)
    [image: image.png]
    *Easing archival, updating and referencing software source code*
    Archiving software source code, with all its development history, is
    essential in order to preserve its access over time. We have provided
    for years the Save Code Now
    feature that
    allows users to add or instantly update a single repository in the Software
    Heritage archive. This requires some juggling with the browser: one needs
    to find the proper URL of the repository for requesting its archival, copy
    it, paste it in the appropriate form
    and click on the “Submit”
    button. And maybe the repository didn’t change since the last update, so
    you are doing all this for nothing.
    Getting the SWHID for an archived repository
    requires some gymnastics: one needs to search for the archived version
    using the URL of the repository, then sift through the potentially many
    other repositories that share the same prefix, and finally click on the
    good one.
    This was the past. Today the Updateswh browser extension
    , now available for
    Chrome and Firefox, makes all these tasks as simple as clicking on a button
    that pops up on your web page when you visit a repository on one of the
    many popular code hosting platforms.
    All the information is on to the dedicated browser extension page
    Let’s share the news.

    P.S.: source code is at It’s open
    source, and there is a detailed contributing guide if you want to add
    support for your preferred forge technology.
    Computer Science Professor
    (on leave at Inria from IRIF/Université Paris Cité)
    Software Heritage E-mail : ***@***.***
    INRIA Web :
    Bureau C328 Twitter :
    2, Rue Simone Iff Tel : +33 1 80 49 44 42
    CS 42112
    75589 Paris Cedex 12
    GPG fingerprint 2931 20CE 3A5A 5390 98EC 8BFC FCCA C3BE 39CB 12D3

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