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RDA P11 session Berlin

  • Creator
  • #112414

    Hi group,
    Just to let you know we’ve submitted the following joint session proposal
    to work with the Research Data Collections WG and Insights from From
    Observational Data to Information IG challenges. 2 quick points to call
    out about this:
    1- We’ll be hosting a number of pre-event telecons to pre share information
    between our groups and make the most of the face to face time in Berlin so
    look out for those invites
    2- Because this session will be very full, we’ll also organise an informal
    evening to talk about group practicalities – such as applying for Belmont
    forum funding and IDW in October (topics to discuss: possible flying week
    in South Africa before IDW, sUAS data hackathon day, and a sUAS SciDataCon
    Looking forward to talking more,
    Jane and Bar
    Jane Wyngaard, PhD
    Data Science Technologist
    Centre for Research Computing
    University of Notre Dame

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