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Hello and Welcome

  • Creator
  • #119896

    Hi all
    Thanks for joining the sUAS data interest group mailing list.
    Some quick admin updates bellow but really we’d like to get input and discussion going pre P9 kickoff (abstract).

    From the RDA side: The group charter has been reviewed and accepted by the RDA Technical Advisory Board.  It should see final approval by the council when they meet on the 23rd.  

    Given how rapidly the domain is moving we’re keen to lay down some practical plans as quickly as possible.  And as the kickoff session in April gets closer we want to highlight the abstract and hopefully start some conversations going.  

    Kickoff session: We’ll will open the P9 session with introductory comments/context and are also hoping to have input from OGC/NOAA/Sensefly/… (will let you know if/when confirmed) but if anyone here represents/has contacts with a group that has relevant work to share you’re welcome to propose it.  It would be particularly good to hear from some commercial representatives as I personally have been primarily operating within the academic and opensource hobbyist communities. 

    Working Group proposals: RDA Working Groups (WGs) are spun out of IGs with specific goals, a timeline (usually 18 months), and deliverables.  Their purpose is to publish standards/guidelines/etc that will undergo a RDA review process and ultimately be published as RDA recommendations.  We plan to make time at the kickoff  for practical discusions around needed WGs for this group.   Ideally people will come prepared for such so we’d like to get comments and suggestions/kick off the discussion even maybe on this mailing list before hand.  Some possible proposed WG topics:

    Minimum metadata parameters for science sUAS data capture.
    Best practice data formats (while onboard, during analytics, for long term publishing,…).
    Flight-log publication best practices: formats, readers, parameters
    Naming convention adoption in such a heterogenous domain?

    Operations: It’s probably going to be easiest to work out group operations/telecons/etc as needed at the kickoff session in April.  But for now just to highlight some of the reviewer comments which encouraged:

    Clarify the understanding of “small” UAS in the group’s context
    Deepen industry participation early on to pave the way for data standards adoption.
    Broaden regional participation
    Collaborate with disciplinary RDA groups

    Looking forward to engaging further with you all,

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