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Towards a common understanding of sensitive data across regions and disciplines

  • Creator
  • #134074

    Collaborative session notes:

    Introduction (5 minutes)

    Lightning talks (30 minutes)

    Lars Eklund (SND/UPPMAX Uppsala university), “Transitions of sensitivity: Contextual change on openness”

    Biru Zhou (McGill University), “Support for Researchers on Sensitive Data”

    Joerg Geiger (IBDW University and University Hospital  of Wuerzburg), “Sensitive data from the biobanking perspective”

    Each presenter will broadly address the themes of:

    An overview of the sensitive data you work with.

    How is sensitive data classified in your discipline?

    What are the specific types of sensitive data challenges in your field? 

    What are the similarities and differences you’ve noticed between how sensitive data is discussed in different disciplines?

    Is your kind of sensitive data shared between regions and what are the challenges of doing so? 

    Discussion of the vocabularies used to understand sensitive data (15 minutes) 

    Discussion of the different levels, risks, and sensitivity of data (15 minutes)

    Discussion of how to assess and classify data for authentication and authorization governance (15 minutes)

    Next steps and meeting close:

    Next community meeting,

    Development of outputs around the topics discussed in this session,

    Defining roadmap and milestones for the sensitive data interest group in general.

    Additional links to informative material
    Developing a list of resources in our Wiki:
    Zenodo community to which we are adding resources produced by our IG: 
    Previous session at RDA17:
    Session report from RDA17: 
    RDA17 poster: 
    Charter: We are aiming to have the charter formally endorsed by RDA18
    Community comments: 
    Tab comments:

    Applicable Pathways
    The FAIR Agenda, Data Infrastructures – Organisational to Environments

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Social Dynamics of Data Interoperability IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Sharing Rewards and Credit (SHARC) IG

    Contact for group (email)

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Kristal Spreadborough

    Meeting objectives
    This will be the third Plenary meeting of the Sensitive Data Interest Group (yet to be formally endorsed). In previous meetings, we have scoped the interest and needs of the RDA community. At RDA18, we begin to focus on specific challenges associated with working with sensitive data. Namely, understanding how sensitive data is defined in different regions and disciplines and looking forward to how we might develop a shared language around sensitive data (e.g. developing an understanding of how different community agreed vocabularies relate to each other). 
     At this meeting, attendees will:

    Hear latest discussions about sensitive data classifications and how different levels of sensitivity are defined 

    Contribute examples of how sensitive data classifications and levels are defined in their region/discipline  

    Contribute examples of how differing definitions of sensitive data have presented challenges to their work 

    Co-design the next steps for developing a shared understanding of sensitive data classifications and levels, how these might be harmonised across contexts, and consider what outputs could be developed to address these opportunities and challenges 

    The meeting objective is to focus the discussion on developing a shared understanding of sensitive data by:

    Facilitating the discussion on how sensitive data is currently defined

    Working towards a common language for discussing sensitive data classifications and levels across contexts/disciplines/localities

    Assessing interest in developing resources and outputs for sensitive data access and management 

    Meeting presenters
    Meeting presenters are yet to be finalised. We will prioritise diversity, including diversity of regions and disciplines. Total presentation time will be kept to a minimum (less than 30 minutes total) to maximise time and space for group discussion.

    online, live

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 2, Breakout 5, Breakout 8, Breakout 11, Breakout 17, Breakout 20, Breakout 23

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