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Progress and use cases from the Research Metadata Schemas WG

  • Creator
  • #134290

    Mingfang Wu

    Introduce the WG (objects, outputs, etc) (~10min)

    Present use cases of aligning up with, for example: (~30min)


    Software (Codemeta)

    Training materials

    Report on progress (15min)

    Mapping of metadata schemes to

    Guidelines of publishing metadata to the web

    Discussion (~30min)

    Feedback to the group’s progress and future activities

    Partner with adopters to work together on the guidelines 

    Connections with other RDA WGs/IGs

    Wrap-up, next actions for the group (5min)


    Additional links to informative material
    The case statement of the WG 
    The output folder includes three living documents for each proposed output 
    The use case folder includes use case capture template and existing use cases

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Data Discovery Paradigms IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem IG

    Meeting objectives

    Collaborative Notes Link:…

    The proposed session has the following objectives:

    To introduce the group to new audiences

    To inform and discuss the progress towards the WG’s outputs 

    To present mappings to/from, including use cases from International Geo Sample Number (IGSN), software (Codemeta) and training materials, etc.  

    Seek input and feedback from participants and other RDA WGs/IGs for future activities

    Privacy Policy

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