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Guidelines for publishing structured metadata over the Web

  • Creator
  • #134176

    Mingfang Wu

    Introducing the group (5 minutes)

    Introducing the group output: Guidelines for publishing structured metadata over the web (20 mins)

    Early feedback from two data repositories/catalogues 

    NSIDC (Julia Collins) (10-15 mins)

    Observatoire de Paris (Baptiste Cecconi) (10-15 mins)

    Breakout room discussion (30 mins)

    Wrap up (5 mins)

    Additional links to informative material
    Here is the group’s case statement.
    Please visit the group page for links to each planned output.

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Data Discovery Paradigms IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    This proposed working group will provide a platform to complement, build on and extend efforts from, and the like communities in applying and extending the core vocabulary for describing research datasets and related resources. 
    The planned outputs will include: 

    A generic ‘conceptual data model’ with essential types and properties for research data discovery over the web. The model will be built on,,, DCAT, DDI-DISCO and SSN schemas from some representative research domains, and data discovery use cases. A research domain can map their schema to the conceptual model when they publish data to the web or exchange metadata between data portals/repositories.

    A guidelines of common patterns for publishing metadata landing pages with structured data markup, and guidelines of how to customise the research schemas for targeted domains with examples.

    Toolings for making the implementation easier if resources are available. This could include collecting and cataloguing tools that generate, validate and parse & DCAT markup, etc. 

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Mingfang Wu

    Meeting objectives
    Collaborative session notes:

    Introduce the group to new RDA members

    Introduce and get members’ feedback on the group output: Guidelines for publishing structured metadata over the Web. 

    Promote the guideline

    Recruit adopters of the guideline  (adopters include but not limited to data repositories who are at different stages of published structured metadata, or who can partner to adapt the guideline into training materials)

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 2, Breakout 4, Breakout 8

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