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IG Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices

  • Creator
  • #134245

    5 Minutes:                   Welcome and introduction
     15 Minutes:                 Summary of Interest Group survey and analysis: research data management policies and practices
     15 Minutes                  Funder Presentation:  policy development, implementation, and future directions
     15 Minutes:                 Case Study: funder adoption of RDA Output(s)
     15 Minutes:                 Collaborations: activities with other RDA Groups
     25 Minutes:                 Discussion of deliverable (incentives for open science), additional topics of interest, and next steps

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Data policy standardisation and implementation IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    National Data Services IG

    Meeting objectives

    Collaborative Notes Link:…

    This session will build on the IG’s session at RDA 14 (Helsinki), as well as IG meetings and engagement with other RDA IGs and WGs since then, to update participants on IG activities and seek input on IG deliverables.  Specifically, the IG co-chairs aim to:

    Present findings and analysis of the IG’s survey of research funders on their open science policies and practices;
    Seek input from participants on a possible case study of funder adoption RDA outputs;
    Update participants on collaborations with other IGs and WGs, and seek input on their direction;

    Seek input from participants on a deliverable that would investigate incentives that funders could implement to advance open science.

    Privacy Policy

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