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Research Data Architectures – Surveying the scene, from the institutional to the national

  • Creator
  • #134291

    Ville Tenhunen

    1.  Opening and brief introduction to the group (5 min)
    2.  Presentations and lightning talks (40 min)

    Australian national research data architecture

    How do National research data architectures interact with institutional architectures?

    How can these be architecturally aligned to better provide research data services to the research communities?

    What are Australian National services out there?

    AARNet (10 min)

    ARDC (10 min)

    Others (5 min)

    Research Data Cultures group (15 min)

    3. RDARI Survey (40 min)

    Introduction and results analysis (10 min)

    Workshop activity – gallery walk (20 min)

    What are the most important themes arising? What should we follow up in future plenaries?

    Summary (10 min)

    4. IG activities (5 min)

    Additional links to informative material
    Research Data Cultures group:
    The web page of the group:

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Repository Platforms for Research Data IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Research Data Repository Interoperability WG

    Meeting objectives

    Collaborative Notes Link:

    Discuss our  infrastructure/governance survey (to determine how research data architectures are currently set up in institution sand who are the people with the authority to decide on them) and begin drawing conclusions – Discuss in particular RDM policies and governance, RDM architectures, challenges, and use cases in this context
    With the survey result and discussion as a starting point, develop IG activities, possible WG ideas, joint activities with other RDA groups
    Share examples of good practices relating to research data architectures via case studies of institutional and other relevant research data architectures
    Identification/inclusion of additional partners

    Privacy Policy

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