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Approaches for Implementing the Data Repository: Opportunities and Challenges

  • Creator
  • #134282

    Robert Downs

    Repository Implementation Approaches: Choices and Decisions. Robert R. Downs, Kerstin A. Lehnert, Devan Ray Donaldson, Lili Zhang, and João Silva (~15 minutes)
    Research Data and CloudStor: Going Beyond a Simple Sync and Share Storage Service. Gavin Kennedy (~15 minutes)
    CSIRO Data Access Portal. Sue Cook (~15 minutes)
    Custom Development and On-Site Implementation of a Data Repository. Thomas Jejkal
    Discussion of Repository Implementation Choices, including on-site installations, outsourced support, hosted services, distributed systems, consortia, internal platform development, and adopting an existing platform (~30 minutes)

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    Data Versioning IG

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    RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG

    Meeting objectives

    Tuesday, 31 March 2020, from 11:00 a.m UTC to 12:30 p.m. UTC
    Remote access registration:
    Collaborative Notes Link:…

    There are a variety of choices for selecting the implementation of a data repository to attain operational capabilities and serve data users. Choices for such decision-making can include on-site installations, outsourced support, hosted services, distributed systems, consortia, or other choices, such as internal platform development or adoption of an existing platform.
    Presentations will
    – describe the implementation of repository systems and services, and trade-offs for attaining operational capabilities and future needs from the perspective of repository managers, developers, researchers, archivists, and data users.
    – describe the criteria for choices of repository and capabilities, including managerial, financial, and organizational issues, as well as in terms of schedules, performance, operational capabilities, and data user needs.
    The presentations will be followed by a discussion of the choices, trade-off, and issues involved when implementing a data repository. The intended outcomes of the session will be the identification of current approaches for implementing data repository platforms, criteria for selecting particular implementation approaches, and trade-offs and issues for weighing such criteria.

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