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RDA Europe National Nodes Community Survey 2020

  • Creator
  • #103520

    Christopher Brown

    Dear All,
    RDA Europe National Nodes Community Survey 2020
    RDA Europe is running a short survey to collect feedback on the activities of the national nodes. Your input will help node coordinators support their communities and assist in planning future national activities. The survey closes on 4 September 2020 and should take 3-5 minutes to complete. You can either log in to complete it, or fill it in anonymously.
    Please access the survey at
    Thank you for participating!
    Christopher Brown
    Senior co-design manager
    T 020 3006 6072
    M 07891 501177
    Twitter @chriscb
    3rd Floor, 15 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1BW
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