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COMMUNITY further comments from the website

  • Creator
  • #103962

    Natalie Harrower

    Hi, I leave these with the Community group for consideration. Deadline 4pm UTC today thanks.
    From Claire Austin
    C. Community
    1. Not sure that encouraging community involvement throughout the data lifecycle would work in practice with, for example, a contact tracing app that is based on already-developed open source code.
    2. For contact tracing apps, this is still a very generous guideline, as even some highly sensitive info (e.g. what floor of a high-rise you live on) could be seen as helping to answer a health question.
    3. Provide more detail on methods aimed at protecting personal data. Mention centralized vs. decentralized servers.
    4. What type of data should not be preserved (e.g. personally identifying info such as phone numebrs).
    D. APPS
    1. Are you precluding automatic exposure notifications.
    2. Consider how notifications may be worded (e.g., you MAY have been exposed so monitor your symptoms vs. you HAVE been exposed so go get tested).
    3. Consider personal telephone calls instead of automated alerts.
    Read our statement on ‘Playing Our Part during COVID-19’
    Dr. Natalie Harrower
    Director, Digital Repository of Ireland
    Royal Irish Academy
    ***@***.*** | @natalieharrower | @dri_ireland
    RDA COVID-19 Working Group
    European Commission FAIR data expert group
    European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) FAIR working group
    The Academy is subject to the FOI Act 2014, the Data Protection Acts 1988-2003 and 2018, GDPR (EU 2016/679) and S.I. No. 336/2011, EC Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations. For further information see our website

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