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ZOOMshop RDA VP15: 8 April – 1 pm UTC (FAIR data in Health RPO)

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  • #104874

    Eva Méndez

    Dear all, 
    It was a pleasure for me to joining the webinar earlier today, to start this new challenging adventure in RDA boat, with all of you.
    COVID-19 is changing many things in our society and our lives but it is also urging Open and Collaborative Science to face global challenges. As I mentioned during the meeting in the Q&A section, we are about creating a new new RDA WG on Guidelines for HRPO (Health Research Performing Organizations) to create FAIR (Open) Data policies,  (I am including the link to the draft Case Statement:
    It is my pleasure to invite you to join our ZOOMshop (workshop-vía zoom) at the 15th Virtual plenary, tomorrow 8 April at 1pm UTC in this link: (no pre-registration needed). It is an opportunity that we are about starting this group (which unarguably will make reference to COVID-19 data and research), to align the work/recommendations/guidelines to the Health Research Performing Organizations, that regardless the funder’s requirements, etc. are the responsible (IMHO) the make their data FAIR and they need to set up FAIR (Open) data policies when they might not have the expertise, skills, etc. for the data stewardship inside the institution.
    More information about the session + collective notes, etc., here
    Looking forward to seeing some of you @the ZOOMshop tomorrow

    Dra. Eva M. Méndez Rodríguez
    Deputy Vice-president for Research Policy. Open Science
    Associate professor. Library and Information Science Department
    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | @evamen
    C/Madrid, 128 (14.2.17) | 28903 GETAFE (MADRID). SPAIN.
    Chair of the EU Open Science Policy Platform (@euospp) 
    RDA ambassador for Interdisciplinary Research

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