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Applying the CARE Principles to Research Samples and Specimens

  • Creator
  • #133883

    Lesley Wyborn

    0-5 Minutes (5 minutes): Welcome and Introduction (Kerstin Lehnert)

    5-15 Minutes (10 minutes): Review of the IG’s Catalogue of Groups/Projects Working on Physical samples and their Identifiers and invite new additions from the audience (Jens Klump)

    15-30 Minutes (15 minutes): Lightning talks (3 minutes each).

    Andrea Thomer (University of Arizona):(Update from ESIP Physical Samples cluster on Author Guide for Publishing Open Research Using Physical Samples and on their draft paper on Opening Doors to Physical Sample Data Discovery, Integration, and Credit  (Confirmed)

    Update on iSamples (to be confirmed)

    Esther Plomp (TU Delft) – IGSN/DataCite Archaeology Community of Practice (Confirmed)

    Update on implementing the recommendations from the IGSN 2040 project – Jens

    30-85 Minutes (55 Minutes) Interactive Deep Dive: Applying the CARE principles to Physical Sample Repositories and Data Generated from them. This block will present concepts and examples as well as allow plenty of time for interactive discussion

    Someone from Local Contexts TBD

    Someone from the Indigenous Collaboratory on the Indigenous Metadata Communique TBD

    Sarah Kansa or someone from her IMLS project to talk about the community of practice they are building for CARE and cultural heritage samples (Confirmed)

    Erin Robinson/Neil Davies on FAIR Island work at Gump (Confirmed)

    Lesley Wyborn (ANU): Applying CARE retrospectively to existing research samples/specimens that could be subject to indigenous sovereignty (Confirmed).

    85-90 Minutes (5 Minutes) Closure and Next steps 

    Identify new chairs for IG

    Additional links to informative material
    References related to the Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem IG.

    Group Page:

    Case Statement:

    A Catalogue of Groups/Projects involved in Physical Samples: 

    23 things: 
    References related to the CARE Principles and operationalising them for Samples

    Carroll, S.R., Garba, I., Figueroa-Rodríguez, O.L., Holbrook, J., Lovett, R., Materechera, S., Parsons, M., Raseroka, K., Rodriguez-Lonebear, D., Rowe, R. and Sara, R., 2020. The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance. Data Science Journal, 19: 43, pp. 1–12. DOI:  

    Carroll, S.R., Herczog, E., Hudson, M., Russell, K., and Stall, S., 2021. Operationalizing the CARE and FAIR Principles for Indigenous data futures. Scientific Data 8, 108.

    Hudson, M., Carroll, S. R., Anderson, J., Blackwater, D., Cordova-Marks, F. M., Cummins, J., David-Chavez, D., Fernandez, A., Garba, I., Hiraldo, D., Jäger, M. B., Jennings, L. L., Martinez, A., Sterling, R., Walker, J. D., & Rowe, R. K. (2023). Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Data: A contribution toward Indigenous Research Sovereignty. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 8.

    Mc Cartney, A. M., Head, M. A., Tsosie, K. S., Sterner, B., Glass, J. R., Paez, S., Geary, J., & Hudson, M. (2023). Indigenous peoples and local communities as partners in the sequencing of global eukaryotic biodiversity. Npj Biodiversity, 2(1), Article 1. 

    Taitingfong, R., Martinez, A., Carroll, S.R., Hudson, M., and Anderson, J., 2023. Indigenous Metadata Bundle Communique. Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance, ENRICH: Equity for Indigenous Research and Innovation Coordinating Hub, and Tikanga in Technology.  

     “E Kore Au E Ngaro | The Connection Remains,” a film by the Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board and Local Contexts

    The Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance Publications

    Applicable Pathways
    FAIR, CARE, TRUST – Principles, Data Lifecycles – Versioning, Provenance, and Reward

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    ESIP/RDA Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The group formed at P10 in Montreal in September 2017 and aims to facilitate cross-domain exchange and convergence on key issues related to the digital representation of physical samples and collections, including but not limited to use of globally unique and persistent identifiers for samples to support unambiguous citation and linking of information in distributed data systems and with publications, metadata standards for documenting samples and collections and for landing pages, access policies, and best practices for sample and collection catalogue, including a broad range of issues from interoperability to persistence. As an interest group, we seek to showcase new for community developments that promote the use of the sample and its connections to any derived observations, images and analytical data.  We also seek to help individual communities identify what is truly unique about their samples but still make it easy to interoperate within the global samples ecosystem. 

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Lesley Wyborn

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives
    The overall objective is to provide attendees with information on new developments/projects on Physical Samples and their importance in the Research Data Ecosystem.
    The first part of this session will provide several short updates from the international sample management community to highlight progress in integrating physical sample information in the research data ecosystem. 
    In the second part of the session, we will have a deep dive into applying the CARE Principles ( to physical samples and derived research outputs. Many physical samples start as part of the natural world. When collected, these physical samples create connections across the natural history value chain from field sites to labs to repositories and museums. However, the collection of the samples and the natural history value chain have historically not included consent from the local Indigenous communities that the samples come from or Indigenous metadata included in the sample description. 
    This session will discuss the implementation of CARE principles across the sample lifecycle, from planning to collect in the field to depositing samples in a repository. The session will highlight how CARE is operationalised in the planning phases before collection, with an example from the University of California Berkeley Gump South Pacific Research Center, a field station that is incorporating Local Contexts Notices and Labels into the application process for access. We will then move to the data curation end of the sample lifecycle and highlight recent successful implementations of Local Contexts notices and labels by Manaaki Whenua and other work being done by the repository community. We will continue an ongoing conversation about how to ethically engage with local Indigenous communities around sampling and how to describe those samples. We would like to identify additional partners from this session who are willing to be early adopters in implementing CARE Principles at their physical sample repositories and sample catalogues.  
    We aim to have the session as interactive as possible with a collaborative google doc prompts followed by guided discussions. The results will be disseminated on a blog post led by the FAIR Island Project and cross-posted by relevant groups. 

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 2, Breakout 5, Breakout 15

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