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Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data IG

  • Creator
  • #134340

    Martin Fenner

    Collaborative session notes:

    Introduction: Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data (Group Co-Chairs)
    Research Data and the Current Research Information System (CRIS) Graph (Jan Dvorak, euroCRIS)
    Research Data and the Wikidata Graph (Diego Valerio Chialva, ERC)
    Research Data and Knowledge Graphs (Markus Stocker, TIB Hannover)
    Identification of key issues the group can address
    Next steps

    Additional links to informative material

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    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    RDA/WDS Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix) WG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The goal of the Open Science Graphs Interest Group (OSG IG) is to build on the outcomes and broaden the challenges of the Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI) and Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix) RDA Working Groups to investigate the open issues and identify solutions towards achieving interoperability between services and information models of Open Science Graph initiatives. The aim is to improve FAIRness of research data, and more generally FAIR*-ness of science, by enabling the smooth exchange of the interlinked metadata overlay required to access research data at the meta-level of the discovery-for-citation/monitoring and at the thematic level of the discovery-for-reuse. Such “FAIR-ness” and “interlinked-ness” provide strong support for research integrity and research innovation which in turn underpin significant social environmental and economic benefits.
    The goal of the Open Science Graphs Interest Group (OSG WG) is to build on the outcomes of DDRI and Scholix RDA Working Groups to investigate the challenges and identify solutions towards achieving interoperability between services and information models of Open Science Graph initiatives. The aim is to improve FAIRness of research data, and more in general FAIR*-ness of science, by enabling the smooth exchange of the interlinked metadata overlay required to access research data at the meta-level of the discovery-for-citation and at the thematic level of the discovery-for-reuse. Three main challenges can be identified as the worth of investigation:

    Build a community of Open Science Graph initiatives working together in the context of RDA with a focus on FAIR data.
    Analyze the state of the art in this domain, by making synergies with the tens of initiatives today building Open Science Graphs and provide an overview of current research data graph activities to frame a definition and classification of such graphs;
    Study the foundations of an information model, a lingua franca, that would enable the realization of an interoperability layer facilitating the exchange of information between graphs;
    Discuss the ideal services, protocols, and APIs required to exchange graphs, query graphs, navigate graphs in both aggregation scenarios and federated access scenarios.
    Identify one or more dedicated RDA Working Groups to tackle/address relevant challenges.

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Martin Fenner

    Meeting objectives
    The Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data connects research data with other research activities, including but not limited to publications, software, people, institutions, grants and funders. There is great interest by a number of organizations to contribute to and/or consume these Open Science graphs. After a successful BoF at the 13th Plenary (BoF Research Data Graph) the co-organizers of that BoF submitted a proposal for an Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data Interest Group. This will be the first meeting of the new Interest Group.
    The RDA Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI) and RDA/WDS Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix) Working Groups have done extensive work on the implementation of services and community adoption around research graphs that include research data. These working groups are now in maintenance mode, but a number of activities, including the OpenAIRE scholarly communication graph and the FREYA PID Graph, continue to expand these research graphs. There is a need for an interest group to coordinate the various activities around Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data.
    The goal of the session is to provide an overview of current research data graph activities, and discuss potential collaboration opportunities in the context of RDA going forward. Building on the presentations during BoF at the 13th Plenary, we have invited three speakers to provide additional perspectives on research data graphs (Current Research Information Systems, Wikidata, Knowledge Graphs). The presentations will be followed by an open discussion starting to identify the key issues the interest group should address. The session organizers invite all RDA community members with an interest in research data graphs to attend. 

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