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Open Repositories 2024: Call for Proposals – Reminder

  • Creator
  • #96862

    The 19th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR2024) will be held from June 3-6th at the Clarion Hotel Post, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    The new deadline for proposals is January 12.
    Please visit the Call for Proposals page to learn more about the sub-themes and submission categories of the conference, including a full list of submission templates and key dates for submission deadlines and approvals.
    The theme for the conference is: Empowering Global Progress.
    We hope you will join us in Gothenburg 2024!
    Program Co-chairs
    Emily Bongiovanni, Carnegie Mellon University
    Urban Andersson, Chalmers University of Technology
    Nora Mulvaney, Toronto Metropolitan University

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