AW: I-ADOPT recommendations
Dear all,
see finally the recommendations published!
Magagna, Barbara, Moncoiffé, Gwenaëlle, Devaraju, Anusuriya, Stoica, Maria, Schindler, Sirko, Pamment, Alison, & RDA I-ADOPT WG. (2022). InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminologies (I-ADOPT) WG Outputs and Recommendations (1.1.0).
So happy that ours is one of 27 recommendations endorsed by RDA now.
Thank you all to make this happen.
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Von: Barbara MagagnaGesendet: Montag, 2. Mai 2022 21:44An: Maria Stoica; Anusuriya Devaraju; Moncoiffe, Gwenaelle; Alison Pamment – STFC UKRI; ***@***.***Betreff: I-ADOPT recommendations
Dear all,
thanks for all for providing suggestions – Sirko and I consolidated the text and have sent it now to Bridget Walker from the RDA secretariat. See the attached document and below the text for the recommendation card:The challenge:
Lack of a common framework to enable interoperability between diverse terminologies used to represent observable properties/variables and provide the necessary level of detail needed for seamless data discovery and integration.
The solution:
The I-ADOPT Interoperability Framework is a set of guidelines based on a simple non-domain specific ontology that supports the decomposition of complex observable properties into their essential atomic parts represented through the concepts in FAIR terminologies.
The Impact:
The I-ADOPT Interoperability Framework is a substantial contribution to enabling the interoperability of terminologies, within and across domains without sacrificing any prior efforts. It serves as a common layer of abstraction through which concepts from different terminologies can be systematically aligned and extended, as needed.
The annotation of observational data with these interoperable concepts supports the findability and reusability of datasets across repositories facilitating the federation of data systems. It represents the variables’ context and provides the level of detail needed to identify suitable datasets and to connect different datasets with related observations. The I-ADOPT Interoperability Framework will facilitate the development of tools to enable researchers to describe and find their data more systematically.
I hope you are all happy with this.
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