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Implementing the CARE Principles: The CARE-full Process

  • Creator
  • #134118

    Collaborative meeting notes:…
    Welcome and Introduction [15] (Stephanie Carroll, Shelley Stall)
    Presentations of working session goals [15] (Maui Hudson, Edit Herczog)
    Break Out Sessions [30] (Stephanie Carroll, Edit Herczog, Maui Hudson, Keith Russell, Shelley Stall)
    Report Back and Large Group Discussion [30] (Keith Russell)

    1. First group option
    International Indigenous Data Sovereignty IG

    Additional links to informative material
    CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance:
    Global Indigenous Data Alliance:
    US Indigenous Data Sovereignty Network:
    Te Mana Raraunga – Maori Data Sovereignty Network:
    Maiam nayri Wingara Indigneous Data Sovereignty Network:
    FAIR Maturity Model: Specifications and Guidelines

    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The global call for Indigenous data sovereignty—the right of a nation to govern the collection, ownership, and application of its own data—has grown in intensity and scope over the past five years. At the same time, researchers, data repositories, and data service operations are increasingly aware of the need to choose and prioritise data governance and stewardship mechanisms that align with Indigenous rights and Indigenous aspirations to improve data quality and functionality. 
    Meanwhile there is a growing push for sharing and reusing data by humans and machines. The FAIR principles are increasingly being used as a framework for this. However appropriate sharing and reuse does require awareness of and application of governance and stewardship mechanisms that are relevant for indigenous data.
    The RDA International Indigenous Data Sovereignty IG was formed in response to the need for a wider understanding of Indigenous data sovereignty, providing an avenue and space for high level collaborative engagement in the rapidly developing environment of Indigenous data. 
    The goals of the International Indigenous Data Sovereignty IG are clearly aligned with the RDA mission of creating a global community to develop and adopt infrastructure that promotes data-sharing, data-driven research, and data use. 
    The RDA FAIR Maturity Model WG was set up to develop a community agreed maturity model to assess the FAIRness of data sets and assist the respondent in identifying where they might be able to improve their FAIR data practice and thereby increase data sharing and data-driven research.

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Stephanie Russo Carroll

    I declare that I have informed the chairs of all the Working / Interest groups included in this joint meeting application.

    Meeting objectives
    This Joint Session working meeting follows on the inital discussion held at P15 and P16. At this working meeting participants will brainstorm criteria and indicators to assess the processes for implementing the CARE Principles within research, government, non-profit and other institutions.

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 1, Breakout 2, Breakout 3, Breakout 4, Breakout 5, Breakout 6, Breakout 7, Breakout 8

    Privacy Policy

    Target Audience
    This working meeting is aimed at researchers and policy makers working with Indigenous Peoples, nations, communities, or their data (i.e., data about Indigenous Peoples and nations/communities, including lands and resources) and those involved in research data governance who are interested in how CARE Principles are enacted. This includes those with interests in data and human rights, social justice, digital citizenship, data ethics, the CARE and FAIR Principles, and collective/community rights.
    This Joint Session is one of four Indigenous data sovereignty focused events at the P17 RDA Plenary. The following events will be convened:
    1. Joint session with the FAIR Data Maturity Working Group: Implementing the CARE Principles: Developing the CARE Criteria (this session)
    2. IG Session: Stewardship of Indigenous Peoples’ Data: Use Cases for Repositories and Collections 
    3. IG Session: Indigenous Data Governance: Community Use Cases
    4. Co-Located Event: GIDA & ORCID – Soberanía de Datos Indígenas: Avanzando hacia CREA (Español)

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