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RE: [rda-datafabric-ig] Re: [rda-datafabric-ig] Re: [rda-datafabric-ig] Re: [rda-datafabric-ig] Registries of..

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  • #127663

    Keith, you articulate several important points, and the notion of trust added by John Henry is also important. Trust is also key in the initial semantic web layer cake.
    One other point to add in terms of quality is satisfying the function. In other words, quality of data, the repository structure/design, or the metadata for that matter (couldn’t resist!), depends on if it satisfies the function for which it was intended. If provenance metadata (or data), allows a human or system to correctly track the provenance, then the quality is good, or better than if it did not allow for this tracking.
    Now, of course, there are disconnects, such as bad data, good repository design… or good data, bad/poor metadata, so all these things need to fit together to meet functions. And, what do we do when functional goals change, as they do.
    Good discussion here, although a little intense to try to follow everything online.
    see folks later this week… j

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