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Our monthly IG telcos are back – starting from February 22, 15:00 UTC!

  • Creator
  • #96667

    Maggie Hellström

    Dear all FAIR DO Fabric enthusiasts,
    after a longer winter break, it is now high time to restart our series of monthly FAIR DPO Fabric IG meetings!
    As usual, these meetings are scheduled for the 4th Thursday of every month – see  for general information)
    Thus, the next telco will take place on Thursday, February 22 (at 15:00-16:00 UTC):
    Zoom link: 
    Agenda and interactive notes: 
    During the meeting you will have a chance to voice your ideas of what the IG should be working on in the coming year! We’ll also be brainstorming around “FDO elevator pitches” (explain what FDOs are and what they are good for in 60 seconds, aimed at different target groups).
    Hope to see many of you there!
    PS We are always looking for people willing to contribute – so if you would like to present something FAIR DO-related, like your ideas about using FDOs in your research, plans for a testbed, etc. – please do get in touch with the group co-chairs directly, or just post to this list!
    PS2: If those pesky time zones are causing you concern, check your local time against UTC at !

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