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Deadline Reminder (21/7) – Call for ideas: GORC WG Communications for policy makers/funders and implementers

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  • #97592

    RDA Admin

    Dear WG members, 
    Kind reminder that the deadline for the Call for ideas: GORC WG Communications for policy makers/funders and implementers is Friday 21 July end of (your) day. 
    The RDA TIGER project is providing communications support to the GORC WG, in particular with regards to dissemination of the group outputs. The WG co-chairs in coordination with the RDA TIGER team have identified two wider target audiences of significant importance for your Group: a) Policy makers and funders and b) Implementers. To this end, we are preparing two communiques specifically intended for these two groups. 
    To ensure the communiques are comprehensive and reflect your Group’s work and intentions, we would like to invite you to share your ideas on the specific aspects of your outputs that should be highlighted for each target group. Please use the documents provided below to submit your ideas by Friday 21 July end of (your) day: 

    Policy makers:

    Many thanks, 
    Alex Delipalta
    Communications and Engagement Officer
    Research Data Alliance Association (Europe) AISBL

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