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Upcoming RDA Plenary

  • Creator
  • #64522

    RDA Admin

    Dear Geospatial colleagues,
    The submission deadline for session proposals for the RDA’s fully virtual 22nd Plenary meeting (scheduled for 14-23 May 2024) is upon us all, being tomorrow FEB 13, 2024.
    Though we have not had much activity as of late, I wanted to reach out to the group and see if anyone had a proposal they would like to put forward for a session topic?  I believe we could also propose a session for the Geospatial IG Group and discuss any submitted agenda items if there are no current topics to focus our efforts.  It would be great to have more engagement around geospatial in the RDA Community throughout 2024.
    Thank you and I look forward to your feedback,
    Aaron Addison

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