FAIR4VREs working group meeting on 17 November at 20:00 UTC

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  • #98767

    Kerry Levett

    Dear members of the FAIR for Virtual Research Environments (FAIR4VREs) working group.
    The next monthly FAIR4VREs working group meeting is on 17 November at 20:00 UTC (your time). 
    Join Zoom Meeting  https://adelaide.zoom.us/j/86056763647?pwd=R0NzWS80R0JQQTgzbWF1WndqU1A0dz09 
    Meeting ID: 860 5676 3647 Passcode: 256116
    The FAIR4VREs WG​ is identifying how VREs can and should be FAIR and also enable FAIRness for other digital objects.
    The co-chairs would like to invite all current working group members and interested newcomers to join us once a month to continue this work. At this meeting we will be discussing Accessibility and Interoperability for VREs. 

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