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WG: RDA I-ADOPT webinar

  • Creator
  • #101291

    Barbara Magagna

    Hello RDA IG members!
    We hope you will attend and help us promote the upcoming RDA I-ADOPT Working Group Webinar > being held on 28 July 2021 at 15:00 UTC.
    Please help to promote this webinar through your social networking channels. See below for easy ways you can help, such as clicking the link and selecting “like” or “share” or “retweet”.
    We appreciate your help and look forward to seeing you at the webinar.
    Thank you.
    Best regards,
    Barbara on behalf of the co-chairs of the RDA WG I-ADOPT
    RDA Webinar Promotional Resources
    1. LinkedIn – Open LinkedIn and “like”
    2. Twitter – Open and “like” or “retweet” and tag others you think would be interested in attending.
    3. Mailchimp Announcement – Link to or copy information and paste into groups listservs.
    Copy or modify the following and send it to your Twitter followers (and include the artwork here).
    Mark your calendar for the RDA I-ADOPT Interest Group webinar on “Decomposing Observable Property Descriptions into Machine-Readable Components” hosted by RDA-US on 28 July 2021 at 15:00 UTC. Read more and register here:
    @resdatall #IADOPT
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