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Uniting Earth Space and Environmental Science Data from the Global North and the Global South to make valuable contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Creator
  • #134257

    Lesley Wyborn

    0-10 Minutes (10 minutes): Introduction

    10-15 Minutes (5 minutes); Review the current status of the ESES IG (5 minutes), including the catalogue which contains both groups working within ESES, and those that include ESES as part of cross domain initiatives. Invite new additions, particularly from the Global South. 

    15-45 Minutes (30 minutes): Provide 5-minute project presentations on Key ESES data infrastructures in the Global South. Speakers will be sought from Asia, Africa and South America

    45-75 Minutes (30 minutes): Breakout sessions discussing:

    The barriers to integrating ESES datasets/data components from the Global South and the Global North

    Identifying projects that include partners from  the Global South and North that currently do work together as exemplars of what is possible.

    75-85 Minutes (10 minutes): Report back

    85-90 Minutes (5 minutes): Wrap up and next steps.

    Additional links to informative material

    International Science Council, 2019. Advancing Science as a Public Good: Action Plan for 2019-2021 ( in particular, pages 20-23).

    The United Nations Sustainability Development Goals 

    The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals IG

    Meeting objectives

    Collaborative Notes Link:…

    Identify barriers to the Global South and Global North integrating ESES data infrastructures

    Explore how the Global North and Global South can unite to contribute ESES data to the SDGs, and participate in interdisciplinary collaborative science.

    Learn from the Global South about Earth, space and environmental science (ESES) research infrastructure initiatives in their countries and ensure that they are in the ESIP/RDA catalogue 

    Privacy Policy

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