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Invitation to Attend – RDA Earth, space, and environmental sciences CoP interest meeting

  • Creator
  • #98429

    Shelley Stall

    Hello ESIP/RDA Earth, space, and environmental science IG-ers!!
    [apologies for cross-posting]
    I’m writing to invite you to participate in an upcoming conversation to explore the idea of forming an Earth, space, and environmental sciences Community of Practice through the RDA (Research Data Alliance).
    This Community of Practice builds upon our ESIP/RDA Earth, space, and environmental science interest group, with the goal of working together to build domain-specific leading practices for making our science more FAIR and as open as possible.
    Communities of practice are a relatively new group-type for the RDA; they are designed to build discipline- or domain-specific communities, to provide a place to discuss and provide knowledge and skills within a research domain. They are composed of experts and stakeholders to coordinate across the RDA community to advance data and software sharing, FAIR practices, and open science within a discipline.
    We’ll be discussing the ways forming such a Community of Practice might help coordinate within the disciplines of Earth, space, and environmental sciences and potential opportunities for outputs from such a Community of Practice at this interest meeting and would welcome your participation, feedback, and suggestions. We are planning two hour-long meeting times on Monday, February 6th to accommodate different schedules (and will record both):
    • Europe/US: 10:30 AM UTC -5 (7:30 AM UTC-8, 3:30 PM UTC, 4:30 PM UTC +1, and 11:30 PM UTC +8 ) Register for Europe/US friendly time
    • Australia/Japan/US: 5:00 PM UTC -5 (2:00 PM UTC -8, 6:00 AM UTC +8, and 9:00 AM UTC +11) Register for Australia/Japan/US friendly time
    Once you register you will receive a zoom invitation. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us!
    If you are not able to attend, but have an interest – please register for one of the sessions and we’ll send out the recordings and any information following the meeting.
    Best regards
    Shelley Stall along with the other ESIP/RDA ESES IG co-chairs: Danie Kinkade, Lesley Wyborn, Pedro Corrêa, and Helen Glaves; and our ESIP friends represented through Susan Shingledecker
    Shelley Stall
    VP, Open Science Leadership
    202-777-7307(O) | (240) 676-0774(M)
    2000 Florida Ave. N.W. | Washington, D.C.20009
    Pronouns: She/Her; ORCID: 0000-0003-2926-8353

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