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Researchers’ engagement with data management: from cookbook to toolkit

  • Creator
  • #133907

    James Savage

    Welcome (5 min)
    Overview of current activities (20 min)

    Case studies
    Toolkit for online engagement

    Working meeting: future case study collection (30 mins)
    Working meeting: group priorities and deliverable strategy (30 mins)
    Closing remarks (5min)

    Additional links to informative material

    Charter of the Engaging Researchers with Data Interest Group  
    Deliverable: Engaging Researchers with Research Data: The Cookbook
    Podcast: IDEA: Improving Data Engagement and Advocacy (Shannon Sheridan, Briana Wham)
    Presentations at P13; P14; P16; P17; P19.
    Joint session at P20.
    Blog post: RDA Engaging Researchers With Research Data: Peeping Through The Team’s Activities (Elli Papadopoulou)
    Blog post: Researcher Engagement With Data Management – What works? (Maria Cruz)
    Blog post: Book Sprint Success: A Team Writing Exercise For The Win (Connie Clare)
    Dedicated Birds of a Feather sessions at P14 and P15
    Webinar: Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook (James Savage, Connie Clare, Raman Ganguly)

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Early Career and Engagement IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The Engaging Researchers with Data IG facilitates the exchange of best practice and innovative methods around engaging researchers with research data. The group originated from a working group under the Libraries for Research Data IG that collected case studies on how institutions effectively engage researchers with data. This project resulted in the publication ‘Engaging Researchers with Research Data: The Cookbook’ in late 2019; this IG was formally established in 2020 as a continuation of this work.

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives
    Click here for the collaborative session notes
    This meeting will provide an update on the work of the Engaging Researchers with Data Interest Group, discuss a strategy for further collection of researcher engagement case studies, and establish the group’s plans and priorities for future deliverables.
    Many research institutions worldwide have implemented initiatives to effectively engage with their research communities about research data. However, often knowledge of these activities only reaches outside the institution through personal networks or occasional conference talks. Our group addresses these problems by providing a network facilitating discussions and exchanging and disseminating good practice. This network will focus on how to effectively engage with researchers about research data and developing resources to help research organisations increase their researcher engagement, such as “Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook”.
    During our P21 meeting, there will be an initial overview of the work done so far by the group, including the collection of case studies since the publication of the Cookbook; the completion of the first season of a podcast on improving data engagement and advocacy; and progress on the toolkit for online engagement. We will also discuss plans for further case study collection, including gaps in coverage and following up on initiatives in the Cookbook. Finally, we will brainstorm previous, current and new suggestions for group activities and establish priorities and task forces for our next deliverables.

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 1, Breakout 2, Breakout 4, Breakout 5

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