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Engaging Researchers with Research Data: What’s Next

  • Creator
  • #134218

    Collaborative Notes Link:…

    Welcome (5 min)

    Overview of the group’s objectives (15min)

    Work done so far

    Areas for future work (based on our P14 session)

    Introductions for Lightning Talk presenters

    Lightning Talks (15min)

    3 invited speakers to talk about how they perform engagement activities

    Discussion about formulating Task Forces (finding task leaders and first plans) (45min)

    Closing remarks (5min)

    Additional links to informative material

    Charter of the Engaging Researchers with Data Interest Group:

    Deliverable: Engaging Researchers with Research Data: The Cookbook

    Blog post: RDA Engaging Researchers With Research Data: Peeping Through The Team’s Activities by Elli Papadopoulou

    Project update presentation at P13: 

    Blog post: Researcher Engagement With Data Management – What works? by Maria Cruz

    Blog post:Book Sprint Success: A Team Writing Exercise For The Win by Connie Clare 

    Project update presentation at P14

    Dedicated Birds of a Feather session at P14:

    P15 session presentation

    Dedicated Birds of a Feather session at P15:

    Webinar: Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook by James Savage, Connie Clare, Raman Ganguly


    Are you willing to hold your session at multiple times to accommodate various time zones?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Libraries for Research Data IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Early Career and Engagement IG

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Elli Papadopoulou

    Meeting objectives
    The objective of this meeting is to welcome everyone in the newly established Engaging Researchers With Research Data Interest Group, collectively agree on a common framework of activities, and begin work. This will be the first plenary session of the group as a formally established RDA Interest Group. The group was represented at BoF sessions at two previous RDA plenary meetings in order to develop a better understanding of the group’s dynamic and scan demanding areas for future work.
    Many interesting initiatives are utilised by research institutions around the world to effectively engage with their research communities about research data. However, typically the only way to learn about these activities is to either attend a conference where a speaker explains their initiative or to already know someone who is engaged in that type of work. Relying on these opportunities to exchange good practice disadvantages those who cannot attend conferences and those who are just starting with research data management and don’t yet have robust professional connections. Our group addresses these problems by providing a network facilitating discussions and exchanging good practices. This network will focus on how to effectively engage with researchers about research data and developing resources to help research organisations increase their researcher engagement. A great example of the latter is the “Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook” which was produced in the context of our informal group activities. 
    During the P16 meeting, we will have an initial short presentation on the work done so far by the group, invite a diverse set of speakers to share their experiences on engagement activities, and decide on the task force groups to be set up and start work on some of the following deliverables:

    Research engagement toolkit for low income countries

    Toolkit for researchers: how to engage librarians with data management

    Guidelines for what NOT to do when trying to engage with researchers

    Podcasts describing existing case studies

    Toolkits for how to get started for selected case studies

    Compelling arguments to convince researchers about the benefits of data management

    Interview questions to convince researchers about the benefits of data management

    Please indicate the breakout slot (s) that would suit your meeting
    Breakout 3, Breakout 4

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