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Train-the-Trainer Concept on RDM published

  • Creator
  • #102768

    Katarzyna Biernacka

    Dear group members,
    Due to the scope of this IG, I would like to draw your attention to a
    recent publication: Train-the-Trainer Concept on Research Data
    Management . The Concept is a
    comprehensive document that can be used as a basis for the
    implementation of trainings on research data. It contains many aspects
    of research data management, such as data management plans and the
    publication of research data, as well as didactic units on learning
    concepts, workshop design, and a range of didactic methods.
    I hope the Train-the-Trainer Concept on Research Data Management will be
    useful to some of you.
    If you have any question, do not hestitate to contact me.
    Katarzyna Biernacka
    *** Apologies for cross-posting ***
    Dear colleagues,
    It is my great pleasure to inform you that as of today an English
    version of the established _Train-the-Trainer Concept on Research Data
    Management _ is available on Zenodo.
    The Train-the-Trainer Concept on Research Data Management is part of the
    larger Train-the-Trainer Programme on Research Data Management, which
    was developed within the project _FDMentor_
    – a research project
    funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
    from 2017 to 2019. The Train-the-Trainer Programme was piloted in a
    series of workshops. The topics cover many aspects of research data
    management, such as data management plans and the publication of
    research data, as well as didactic units on learning concepts, workshop
    design, and a range of didactic methods.
    After the end of the project, the concept was supplemented and updated
    by members of the Sub-Working Group Training/Further Education (_UAG
    of the DINI/nestor Working Group Research Data (_DINI/nestor-AG
    Forschungsdaten_ _)_.
    Thus, not only the expertise of four additional authors was included in
    the revision, but also the comments and suggestions of the entire
    Sub-Working Group, which led to a significant improvement of the concept
    resulting in a third, extended _version
    . _
    Since the Train-the-Trainer Programme has gained a lot of interest both
    nationally and internationally, employees of the Humboldt-Universität zu
    Berlin and the Freie Universität Berlin dedicated themselves to a
    translation of the concept and training materials after the completion
    of the project. The newly published English versionof the
    _Train-the-Trainer Concept _
    contains the translated concept, materials and all methods of the
    Train-the-Trainer Programme. Furthermore, additional English references
    and materials complement this version.
    The primary target group for this version of the concept are employees
    of central facilities as well as data stewards and researchers in
    Germany who do not speak German or who would like to offer training in
    research data management in English. Despite the reference to Germany
    (e.g. in unit “Legal aspects”), the concept can still be useful for an
    international readership.
    The concept and all included materials are licensed under the Creative
    Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 International licence
    and re-use is explicitly
    encouraged by the authors.
    We hope that this concept will help future trainers to conduct
    interactive and lively workshops.
    Comments and suggestions for future revisions are very welcome.
    We now wish you a pleasant reading!
    Katarzyna Biernacka, Maik Bierwirth, Petra Buchholz, and Kerstin Helbig
    on behalf of all the authors
    — Katarzyna Biernacka Research Assistant | PhD Candidate
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Department of Computer Science Computer
    Science Education | Computer Science and Society Postal address: Unter
    den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany Visitor address: Rudower Chaussee
    25, Room 3.407, 12489 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 30 2093 41110 Web: ORCID:

    Katarzyna Biernacka
    Research Assistant | PhD Candidate
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Department of Computer Science
    Computer Science Education | Computer Science and Society
    Postal address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany
    Visitor address: Rudower Chaussee 25, Room 3.407, 12489 Berlin, Germany
    Phone: +49 30 2093 41110

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