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Skills4EOSC releases 1st draft of FAIR by design methodology for community review – until may 31st

  • Creator
  • #97994

    Emma Lazzeri

    Dear Collegues,
    /apologies for cross posting/
    Iam writing to invite you to participate in an important co-creation
    activity as part of the Skills4EOSC project. We greatly value your
    expertise and insights, and we believe your participation will
    contribute significantly to our efforts to improve the *FA**IR-by-Design
    Learning Materials Methodology.*
    The Skills4EOSC project aims to create and reuse FAIR learning materials
    to upskill stakeholders in the EOSC community. By following a
    FAIR-by-Design methodology, we can develop high-quality materials for
    trainers and trainees on various Open Science and EOSC-related topics.
    We have developed a questionnaire to gather your feedback on the
    FAIR-by-Design methodology draft
    . Your insights will help us
    refine the methodology and incorporate any relevant information
    necessary for its practical implementation. Your comments will be
    instrumental in shaping the final version of the methodology and
    subsequent training sessions.
    Your participation is highly appreciated. Please complete the
    questionnaire *by 31st of May 2023*using the following link:
    Thank you for considering our invitation to collaborate, and we look
    forward to your feedback.
    Best regards,
    Emma Lazzeri

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