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Just a kindly reminder – Timings for P21 Meeting and Call for Presentations

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  • #97315

    Dear All,
    We would like to remind you that we are waiting for your presentations. If you want to share your thoughts, tips, and good practices with us, please send your proposal to Kati by the 6th of October.
    We are looking forward to seeing you (whether online or in person) at our session “Fiesta ETHRD-IG! Community celebration of education & training material and metadata richness” – we’re scheduled for Breakout Session 6, 12.00-13.30 UTC, Thursday 26 October 2023. 
    *** Submit Your Presentation Ideas Now For Our Fiesta Party ***
    In the context of RDM, training materials help build the right skills required to, e.g., make research data FAIR or publish data in an open way. For optimal results, ideal training materials incorporate with enriched metadata that inform and enable potential users to assess if they are beneficial for their settings.
    We are curious how you create your training materials! How do you share and describe them for findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability purposes?
    We are looking for three 5-minutes presentations during our session at the RDA’s 21st Plenary!
    Please send your short description to Kati ( by 6th October. After the acceptance of your submission, we will ask you to prepare 1-2 slides for the P21 by 15 October.
    We are waiting for your ideas and see you in Salzburg or online!
    Magda, Amy, Laura, Jeanne, and Kati

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