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Focus Group on Learning Outcomes

  • Creator
  • #97520

    Gavin Chait

    Hi everyone .
    It’s taken a little time, but the proposed focus group on learning outcomes
    has started moving. We’re intending to hold a kickoff meeting to scope our
    objectives during the week of either 4 or 11 September, and we’d very much
    appreciate your joining us.
    For context: Learning Outcomes – Further material documentation/metadata for
    data curation in research should include learning outcomes which demonstrate
    data probity, attribution, and process, including differentiation based on
    discipline, data type, methodology, etc (e.g., quantitative vs qualitative;
    archaeology vs zoology; required restrictions).
    I’ve set up a doc with some initial information here:
    At the bottom of the doc is a provisional agenda and a “Doodle” for you to
    indicate your availability to meet. Please also include your contact details
    under “Collaborators” so we can include you in correspondence.
    Thanks and I look forward to meeting everyone
    Gavin Chait
    Lead Data Scientist | Whythawk: the open data professionals
    ***@***.*** | M: +44 (0) 78 9495 7090
    / +33 (0) 6 18 16 25 95 | |

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