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Lightning talks on maDMPs during the P17 plenary

  • Creator
  • #101715

    Tomasz Miksa

    Dear DMP Common Standards WG,
    We are looking for speakers who would like to give a lightning talk on their recent work regarding machine-actionable DMPs during our session* at the 17th RDA Plenary. Please let us know by the end of this week whether you would like to present and what the topic of your presentation will be.
    Compared to previous plenaries, we would like to keep the presentations shorter and have considerable amount of time for open discussion. There is a couple of things to discuss regarding the recommendation and its maintenance and we would like to get feedback from you.
    Best wishes,
    Tomasz Miksa
    RDA DMP Common Standards WG
    [*] Breakout 7 – Thursday –

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