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Virtual Plenary 16 Call for Sessions and RDA Adoption Week

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  • #103938

    RDA Admin

    Dear Data Type Registries WG & #2 members,
    There are two important announcements from RDA being circulated that we wanted to bring to your attention in the case you missed it this week.
    The Call for Sessions for Virtual Plenary 16 is open with a 4 August deadline for submissions.  Start preparing now!
    RDA’s Adoption Week is next week.  Webinars are scheduled each day to demonstrate RDA’s  adoptable and adopted solutions to data sharing challenges that people in the field encounter in their daily jobs.  Webinar topics will focus on the Research Data Lifecycle and include: Data Management (Monday), Data Description (Tuesday), Identity-Store-Preserve (Wednesday), Disseminate-Link-Find (Thursday), Policy-Legal Compliance-Capacity (Friday).  Register at your earliest convenience!  
    Thank you and stay well.
    Alex Delipalta
    on behalf of the RDA Secretariat

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