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Events of Interest to members & Recent Readings Summary

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  • #98127

    Here are two events & report release that may be of interest to members of the AIDVWG.
    Friday at 12:00 ET/16:00 UTC “Why the 6-month AI Pause is a Bad Idea” organized by DeepLearning.AI Desc: A conversation with  AI researchers Yann LeCun(CP & Chief AI Scientist Meta)  and Andrew Ng(Founder DeepLearning.AI)  as they discuss the proposal of a 6-month moratorium on generative AI. Yann and Andrew will also be taking live questions from the audience via Slido and will discuss:

    What were the premises about AI underlying the proposal?
    What are the problems with the proposal?
    How would this affect AI businesses?
    What are the worthwhile concerns about AI, and how can we address them?

    Friday at 13:00 ET/17:00 UTC  Generative AI: Hype, Harms, and the Responsible Tech Community organized by All Tech is Human Desc: There is a major conversation happening right now around ChatGPT, “the letter,” and what the appropriate response to the current and potential harms related to Generative AI. We are bringing on two leading experts, Dr. Rumman Chowdhury and Elizabeth M. Reneries, to help us make sense of it all. They will be in discussion with Rebekah Tweed from All Tech Is Human.
    Monday April 10, 2023 The Center for AI and Digital Policy AI Democratic Values report 2022 will come online at  with country specific indicators for whether a country has endorsed the UNESCO recommendations and a new indicator for coiuntry level implementation 
    Readings of interest to the group are shared in our group Zoetero library at:, with recent highlights appended below.
    Have a great weekend,
    Recent readings
    1. Schmit C, Villasenor J, Sundar SS (2023) Regulating AI: 3 experts explain why it’s difficult to do and important to get right. The Conversation,
    2. Shiona McCallum (2023) ChatGPT banned in Italy over privacy concerns. BBC News,
    3. Nestor Maslej, Loredana Fattorini, Erik Brynjolfsson, John Etchemendy, Katrina Ligett, Terah Lyons, James Manyika, Helen Ngo, Juan Carlos Niebles, Vanessa Parli, Yoav Shoham, Russell Wald, Jack Clark, Raymond Perrault (2023) The AI Index 2023 Annual Report.
    4. Timnit Gebru, Emily M. Bender, Angelina McMillan-Major, Margaret Mitchell (2023) Statement from the listed authors of Stochastic Parrots on the “AI pause” letter. The Distributed AI Research Institute,
    5. GPDP Garante Per La Protezione Dei Dati Personali (2023) Intelligenza artificiale: il Garante blocca ChatGPT. Raccolta illecita di dati personali. Assenza di sistemi per la verifica dell’età dei minori.
    6. Dev Dash, Eric Horvitz, Nigam Shah (2023) How Well Do Large Language Models Support Clinician Information Needs? Stanford HAI,
    7. Lee P, Bubeck S, Petro J (2023) Benefits, Limits, and Risks of GPT-4 as an AI Chatbot for Medicine. New England Journal of Medicine, 388(13):1233–1239.
    8. Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali) (2023) Provvedimento del 30 marzo 2023 [9870832].
    9. Ovadya A (2023) Red Teaming Improved GPT-4. Violet Teaming Goes Even Further. Wired,
    10. Allemang D (2023) LLM’s Closing the KG Gap. Medium,
    11. Future of Life Institute Signatories (2023) Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter.
    12. U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress (2023) Copyright Registration Guidance: Works Containing Material Generated by Artificial Intelligence.
    13. Jack Grove (2023) The ChatGPT revolution of academic research has begun. Times Higher Education (THE),
    14. Hern A (2023) What is GPT-4 and how does it differ from ChatGPT? The Guardian,
    15. Price G (2023) Cambridge University Press Publishes First AI Research Ethics Policy; Includes Ban on AI Being Treated as an ‘Author’ of Academic Papers and Books. Library Journal infoDOCKET,
    16. Marissa Gerchick, Tobi Jegede, Tarak Shah, Ana Gutiérrez, Sophie Beiers, Noam Shemtov, Kath Xu, Anjana Samant, Aaron Horowitz (2023) How Policy Hidden in an Algorithm is Threatening Families in This Pennsylvania County. American Civil Liberties Union,
    17. jack Grove (2023) First AI ethics policy unveiled by Cambridge University Press. Times Higher Education (THE),
    18. ACLU (2023) The Devil is in the Details: Interrogating Values Embedded in the Allegheny Family Screening Tool. American Civil Liberties Union,
    19. Gilbert S (2023) ChatGPT in the Clinic? Medical AI Needs Ethicists. The Hastings Center,
    20. CONSTANTARAS E, GEIGER G, BRAUN J-C, MEHROTRA D, AUNG H (2023) Inside the Suspicion Machine. Wired,

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