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9th WG/IG meeting updates – Draft agenda and preparations

  • Creator
  • #111335

    Lynn Yarmey

    Hello 9th Chairs’ meeting participants! 
    I am really looking forward to working with you all next week in Vienna.  Sincere thanks to Andi and his colleagues for hosting the meeting and organizing all of the logistics to make this possible!
    I’ve been updating the meeting group page with aggregated info on travel, meeting location and logistics information, a draft agenda, and background materials/data.  Please check out the information here:
    In preparation for the meeting, please review the following:

    If you have not yet registered, please go to the very easy form as soon as possible
    Check out the *Draft* Agenda (.docx) and send any feedback or comments. 

    I’ve set up the meeting to maximize working and discussion time on priority topics to be decided by the group on Day 1.  An initial list of potential topics is at the bottom of the agenda document, please bring your additions!
    If you would like to share updates on progress from your group(s), please let me know ( and I will add you to the list.
    If you have something to add to the Resources list (group data, results from previous discussions, an important report that we should discuss, etc), please send materials or pointers to me for addition.

    Let me know of any questions/concerns/ideas, and keep an eye on the meeting page linked above for the latest updates.
    Many thanks!

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