Bridging the gaps between policy, coalface and data science in crisis situations

12 FEB 2024

Collaborative session notes

Group(s) submitting the application: 

RDA / CODATA Data Systems, Tools, and Services for Crisis Situations WG

Meeting objectives: 

Meeting agenda: 

Speakers tbc.

Depending on the group size, we plan to create breakout groups to address these questions.

Target Audience: 

Data scientists and other data professionals, developers, policy makers and anyone else interested in addressing data needs in crisis situations.

Group chair serving as contact person: 

Stefanie Kethers

Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

The vision of the DSTS_CS-WG is to contribute to a mapping and understanding of the scientific and (Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) characteristics of data systems, innovative tools, and comprehensive services that contribute to reliable and resilient preparation, response, and recovery to crisis situations. The WG Case Statement can be found here:…

The WG was endorsed by the RDA in October 2023, just prior to its first session at RDA Plenary 21 and gained support from RDA TIGER.  Still in its start-up phase, the group is currently meeting monthly to finalise the definition of our case studies, advance other parts of our work plan and establish and strengthen our connections with other communities within and outside of RDA.

Type of Meeting: 

Working meeting

Additional links to informative material: 

Avoid conflict with the following group (1): 

Understanding and Capturing the Uptake of Digital Research Infrastructure IG

Avoid conflict with the following group (2): 

RDA-OfR Mapping the landscape of digital research tools WG

Meeting presenters: 

Burcak Basbug Erkan, Francis P. Crawley, Stefanie Kethers, Jacqueline Stephens, Cyrus Pan Walther, others tbc

Are you willing to host a second, repeat, session at a different time zone?: 
