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Active DMP et al

  • Creator
  • #118560

    Paul Millar

    Hi all,
    Just a quick update.
    Yesterday, I joined the “Exposing DMPs” WG meeting (a group spun-up from
    the “Active DMP” IG). They gave me a few minutes to give a brief
    introduction to our work.
    In general, the people at the meeting were quite interested in what we
    are doing. Some people expressed an interest in joining our WG, and
    there’s certainly the potential for collaboration.
    My impression was that the focus of the “Exposing DMPs” WG is more
    towards the “social” aspect of try to get researchers to allow their
    DMPs to be shared; citing the hurdles that need to be overcome and the
    benefits from doing so. Nevertheless, Angus Whyte asked us to add a few
    sentences to their case-statement, making the connection between our
    groups more visible.
    The “DMP Common Standards” WG is probably more directly relevant to our
    One of the chairs of the “DMP Common Standards” WG (Peter Neish) was
    also present at yesterday’s meeting, and expressed interest in our
    activity. So I think we’re starting to establish some good connections.

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