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ESIP plenary and Drones

  • Creator
  • #103750

    Hi all
    Hope you’re keeping well in these strange times. Virtual ESIP is already
    upon us, I know the ESIP team has done some amazing work to make sure even
    though we’re virtual there will be stellar content.
    If you haven’t signed up already it’s $200 and happening next week, see the
    schedule here (they’ve
    specifically arranged things to allow for some days to be more Australia
    friendly too)
    So 2 places drones will be highlighted/discussion had that we hope will be
    of relevance to the future of drones and data:
    LANDRS Ontology and Tooling will be demoed and we’ll also discuss Cluster
    future in the broader community context
    *Wednesday*, July 15 • 4:00pm – 5:30pm EST
    DroneDataBuddy: Tooling to capture and publish drone captured scientific
    Drones are going to be highlighted in a plenary broadly about not
    reinventing the wheel as we tackle complex science challenges, See:
    *Wednesday*, July 15 • 6:00pm – 7:30pm EST
    Passing on Reinventing the Wheel: Developing methods and reducing barriers
    to inter- and intra-disciplinary research output translation
    Jane Wyngaard, PhD
    Embedded Systems Engineer & Data Technologist
    Center for Research Computing
    University of Notre Dame

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