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Data Review in Data Repositories to Facilitate Open Science

  • Creator
  • #133887

    Robert Downs

    Introduction to Joint Session on Data Review in Data Repositories for Open Science – (~5 Minutes)
    Discussion (~3 Minutes)
    Results of a Data Quality Assurance Study. Maxi Kindling and Dorothea Strecker (~12 Minutes)
    Discussion (~3 Minutes)
    The Review Process and its Development for Peer-Review of Astromaterials Samples Data. Kerstin A. Lehnert (~10 Minutes)
    Discussion (~3 Minutes)
    Progress and Challenges for Conducting Data Reviews. Robert R. Downs (~8 Minutes)
    Discussion (~3 Minutes)
    TBD (~10 Minutes)
    Discussion (~3 Minutes)
    General Discussion (~ 30 minutes)

    1. First group option
    Repository Platforms for Research Data IG

    Additional links to informative material
    RPRD IG Page:
    RPRD IG Output:
    RPRD IG Charter:
    Domain Repositories IG Page:

    Are you willing to host a second, repeat session in a different time zone?

    Avoid conflict with the following group (2)
    RDA/WDS TRUST Principles Outreach and Adoption Working Group

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The RDA Repository Platforms for Research Data (RPRD) IG and the RDA Domain Repositories IG are collaborating to improve the capabilities of data repositories to serve their user communities. The RPRD IG focuses on improving the usability and technical capabilities of research data repository platforms. The RDA Domain Repositories IG focuses on enhancing communication with other RDA groups and on representing the interests of domain repositories in those groups. Together, the RPRD IG and the Domain Repositories IG share interests in identifying opportunities for data repositories to improve capabilities for using data and conducting research. The planned joint session will explore ways for data repositories to improve data review practices for enabling open science.

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Robert Downs

    I declare that I have informed the chairs of all the Working / Interest groups included in this joint meeting application.

    Meeting objectives
    Open science is improving research practices as it begins to proliferate across a variety of research disciplines. Research sponsors that adopt open science are now requiring studies they fund to share the collected data with the public at the time when the article describing the use of the data is published. Researchers are submitting various data sets to repositories, seeking dissemination as open data before their manuscripts are published. Many data repositories and curation professionals facilitate reviews of data submissions to assist potential users in choosing which data to reuse for their research goals. Data repositories that review data submissions as part of the data curation process will be expected to perform data archiving, curation, reviews, and dissemination in a timely manner to help data producers comply with sponsor requirements for open science. Data curation professionals will need to be prepared to guide the research community in conducting data reviews.
    The joint session will describe various approaches that data repositories are adopting to review data submissions along with the challenges and opportunities for conducting data reviews. Session participants and presenters will discuss various approaches to data review and explore how repositories, especially those with limited resources, can conduct reviews effectively in a timely manner. Outcomes of the session will include knowledge about data review practices, perspectives on developing and improving timely data review processes and capabilities at data repositories, and improved understanding about needs for educational and training programs to prepare the next generation of data curation professionals and researchers in conducting data reviews as we move into the era of open science.

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 2, Breakout 11, Breakout 17

    Privacy Policy

    Target Audience
    Data archivists, managers, distributors, producers and users;
    Repository managers and depositors of research data;
    Institutional hosts, sponsors, and users of research data repositories;
    Data archivists and managers planning to establish a research data repository;
    Developers of repository platforms for research data;
    Data curation and data repository service providers; and
    Instructors teaching data curation and research practices.

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