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Article/data linking is not the whole story: Launching a new Scholix schema for software to meet community practice

  • Creator
  • #133940

    Background on / history of the development of the Scholix schema

    Announcement of new schema version

    Motivations for adding software: what does this help us do? 

    Share published Scholix schema expansion to support software including examples, trends, limitations

    Showcasing existing examples of links to software in our existing tools and services

    Provide guidance for the use and implementation of the schema to support best practice

    Look at existing data/insights and discuss new adoption opportunities and strategies

    Additional links to informative material
    Burton, Adrian, Fenner, Martin, Haak, Wouter, & Manghi, Paolo. (2017). Scholix Metadata Schema for Exchange of Scholarly Communication Links (Version v3). Zenodo.

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Software Source Code IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The working group has generated a Scholix metadata schema, has helped implement this schema in multiple Scholix hubs and other infrastructure providers, and has built a community that provides data citation services. 

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives
    Over the past year, the RDA/WDS Scholix Working Group has been actively working to expand its support beyond article/data linking to encompass software. 
    In the communities represented in the group, repositories, publishers, and Scholix hubs such as Crossref, DataCite and OpenAIRE, we’re seeing a growth in the acknowledgement and citation of the software that underpins and supports published research. And like data, we see software as an equivalent output and want to make sure that it can be identified, linked to, cited and rewarded alongside related research. 
    The group has been working with the wider community to extend the newly-published schema to support software, via the working group, other meetings and a variety of presentations. We want to showcase this work in our session, share insights from publishers, Scholix hubs, repositories and others in the community about their plans to better support software linking and citation, hear what different stakeholders are doing already, and continue to gather feedback to support adoption of this evolving standard. 

    Share published Scholix schema expansion to support software including examples, trends, limitations

    Provide guidance for use and implementation of the schema to support best practice across the Crossref and DataCite communities and discuss what more we can do

    Discuss how software policies can support better linking and citation

    Look at existing tools/data/insights and discuss new adoption opportunities and strategies

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 1, Breakout 2, Breakout 3

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