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Reminder – policy and practice task group catch up call on Friday 2 December 16.00 – 17.00, London time

  • Creator
  • #120474

    RDA Admin

    Dear All,
    Just a quick reminder that a catch up call for the policy and practice task
    group is happening this Friday, 2 December, 16.00-17.00, London time (GMT).
    We will use google hangouts for the call:
    Please make sure to review the aims and objectives in advance of the meeting
    – link to the editable document is available from the Group’s wiki:
    And here is the agenda outline for the call:
    1. Introductions
    2. Discussing the aims and objectives (see the document from the
    Group’s wiki:
    3. Roles and responsibilities of the Group members
    4. Ways of working
    With best wishes,
    Marta Teperek, PhD
    Research Data Facility Manager
    Cambridge University Library / Research Operations Office
    e-mail: ***@***.***
    tel. 01223 333138 (Friday – Wednesday)
    tel. 01223 761652 (Thursday)
    Twitter: @martateperek
    You can arrange a meeting with me here>
    Have you already seen our data management plan support service?

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