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Privacy issues in research data: Setting aims and objectives

  • Creator
  • #133986

    Joerg Geiger

    Brief round of introductions
    Report on current status
    Short contributions on privacy issues (with discussion)
    Discussion on scope and focus
    Call for volunteers
    Any other business
    Schedule future meetings
    Wrap up

    Applicable Pathways
    FAIR, CARE, TRUST – Principles, Data Infrastructures and Environments – International, Training, Stewardship, and Data Management Planning

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Sensitive Data Interest Group

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The “RDA/NISO Privacy Implications of Research Data Sets IG” has experienced a phase of inactivity since P12, owing to the resignation of two chairs and absence of one chair due to health issues. With the withdrawal of the NISO representatives, the IG was revamped under the title “RDA Privacy Implications of Research Data Sets IG” at P18.
    In line with the privacy IG objectives we discussed at P18, this session aims at finalizing the scope of the IG moving forward, be it the legal, the social, or the technical aspects and finalize them into a work plan with clear outcomes be it a report, best practices, or implementation guidelines.

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Joerg Geiger

    Meeting objectives
    After revitalising the IG at P18 the group memebers expressed significant interest in the continuation of the work of the IG. We initiated a closer collaboration with the Sensitive Data IG, starting with a coommon survey on privacy/sensitive data issues. The meeting at P19 was meant to align the new scope, define the key aspects of the group, and, not least, seek volunteers as chairpersons. Alas, the feedback to the incipient activities was rather limited. We understand that the waning interest is, at least in part, owing to the difficult conditions during the pandemic that made the relaunching of this IG difficult. Hence we expect that meeting at P20, taking place under less restrictive constraints, will give a strong impetus to the group.
    In response to the contributions and feedback at P18 and P19, the aim of this follow-up meeting is to narrow down the focus and develop concrete work tasks.
    Everyone is called to contribute their experiences with privacy issues in their domain. Some group members have already expressed their interest in contributing, so we are confident that we will have a lively discussion
    Depending on the interest and focus of the participants, a decision should be made to prioritize the technical, legal and/or other challenges we face in the responsible sharing and reuse of research data.

    Privacy Policy

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