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[SCID WG] First draft of the group’s output on software source code identification

  • Creator
  • #103973

    Hello everyone,
    I hope this email finds you well.
    Since our meeting in March, we have been transforming the presentation and
    notes into the Software Source Code Identification Working Group [SCID WG]
    *Use cases, identifier schemes and guidelines for persistent software
    source code identification*
    I’m reaching out to you today, because the draft is still in progress and
    your help would be very much appreciated.
    If you choose to contribute, please use the `suggesting` option on the top
    right, so it will be easier for me to identify the modifications. Also add
    your name to the authors list.
    You are welcome to comment on the document and raise any question that
    seems unclear or that needs more development.
    Here is the editable link:
    We aim on publishing the output for community review at the end of June or
    beginning of July.
    Thank you for your help and contribution.
    Kind regards,

    Morane Ottilia GRUENPETER
    Software engineer and metadata specialist for
    Software Heritage
    @INRIA Paris
    office phone: 01 80 49 44 49
    personal website:

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