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Draft RDA Outputs Policy

  • Creator
  • #128954

    Mark Parsons

    It was harder than I anticipated and i raised as many questions as answers, but I finally have a first draft Outputs policy together. See:
    It is based on our discussion and the initial document from Herman and Peter.
    It’s a wiki, so please edit the draft at will. Alternatively, you can add comments at the bottom of the document. Remember, everything we do is public.
    We can discuss next steps on Monday. I’ll put together an agenda after I see some of your feedback, but some key issues include:

    Does this policy apply to all RDA outputs or just those from WGs or WGS and IGs? I took the broader approach
    Did I get the classifications right?
    Can IGs produce formal endorsed Recs on Data or just WGs?
    Are we ready to seek broader input or get legal experts involved?

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